Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

Welcome to the beautiful city of kingston jamaica

View Events

Event Gallery

His Worship Welcomes you to the city of Kingston. Get to know our mayor as he part-takes in numerous events in and out of the country.

See how our teens interact and learn from the experiences here at our local office.

Kingston is all about events and we welcome you to parttake in the amazing events of the year.

How to register your event

Welcome to the Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC). Lets take a look at how you can register your next upcoming event and the necessary steps you need to take.

Step 1.

Go to the KSAMC website at https://ksamc.gov.jm

Step 2

Go to the "Forms" tab and locate the section category "Places of Amusement"

Step 3

Click on the "Download" link beneath the application and download the application form.

Step 4

Complete the application and submit it to the front desk of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation located at "24 Church Street, Kingston, Jamaica"

OR Fill out Form Below

Complete the application Form Below and click submit. Please Fill all required Fields and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Registration form
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Amusement Form

Kingston & St Andrew Municipal Corporation Places of Amusement Application

The building
The grounds only
Building and grounds

(if more than one building on site, identify the one being licensed, e.g building #2 or building at rear)

In the parish of Kingston and St.Andrew for the following type of amusement

(please indicate the of amusement/entertainment that will take place)

Declaration:I hereby declare that the details finished above are true and correnct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and, I undertake to inform you of any changes therein immediately. In case any of the information above is found to be false, untrue, misleading, or found to be a misrepresentation, i confirm that i may be held liable for same.

Special Events Billboards & Signs

All Applications dor Amusement Licenses are being adviced that permission from the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal is required to display advertisement for the event being promoted/hosted. Failure to apply will result in any of the fillowing:

  • Removal of Billboards and/or signs & banners
  • Refusal/Revocation of Amusement License
  • Recovery of cost of removal
  • Application of penalty under the Anti-Litter Act.

Please fill out the form below as applicable to your event.

I will be displaying the following at/leading up to my event.

Feather Banners -

Illuminated Signs-
Other Signs/Boards -
L.E.D Screens

Declaration:I hereby declare that the details finished above are true and correnct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and, I undertake to inform you of any changes therein immediately. In case any of the information above is found to be false, untrue, misleading, or found to be a misrepresentation, i confirm that i may be held liable for same.